101 Series The Who, What, When, Where and Why of Dogwoods

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Community Event, Discussion

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Program Description

Event Details

The dogwood is a staple in Paducah landscapes.  It flourishes in our climate and there’s even a driving/biking trail highlighting its spring beauty.  With more than fifty species of dogwoods from which to choose, including deciduous and evergreen, selecting the best specimen for one’s property can be daunting.  While commonly planted for springtime color, and paired with azaleas, dogwoods are not a one-trick pony; they also offer vibrant fall foliage. 

Join Carol Ullerich for an exploration of all things Cornus with tips on selecting and planting the best specimen for your yard to deliver decades of color and visual pleasure.  The talk will cover plant varieties that thrive in West Kentucky; selecting a healthy specimen; preparing the planting site; when and how to plant; and tree care.

Ullerich is a Master Gardener, Hosta judge, Accredited Master Flower Show Judge, and member of Open Gate and Perennial Garden Clubs.

All programs are free & open to the public