Always Collecting
Each month, the Library will collect items for an organization. If you have an annual need (you always collect socks in the fall, school supplies in June, etc), let us know and we'll try to meet your request.
How can your organization get involved?
Requests will be taken on a first come first served basis; if multiple groups have the same need within the same time frame, we will make every effort to distribute collected items to all agencies. We may not be able to fulfill every request; we will work to ensure that we collect as much for as many organizations as is feasible.
Due to the Library's limited capacity, we ask that organizations be able to pick up donations at least once a week or when requested.
How do I get started?
Please email Adult Services Manager Lea Wentworth ([email protected]) with the following information:
- Organization name
- Contact information
- What your organization is collecting
- The time of year your organization collects (preferred month if possible)
- Any other additional information (ideal start/end dates, information we can include on our social media)
Upcoming Events
101 Series Before the Carson Center: When Produce Ruled 2nd Street
Led by Jack Johnston, Paducah Memorabilia Collector & Historian
Join us in making cute holiday tree necklaces with assorted color trees! Please register online.
Brary Bear's Story Time is provided every Tuesday at 10am from Labor Day to Derby Day, with the exception of city school closings.
Hey there, parents! We'd love you and your kids to join us every fourth Tuesday in the upstairs Meeting Room. Your child can have the wonderful opportunity to read to one of our amazing pet therapy dog teams!
The McCracken County Public Library will be closed for this holiday, everyone enjoy and stay safe!
The McCracken County Public Library will be closed for this holiday, everyone enjoy and stay safe!